I mbun pinn

What if... joy is a fuckboy?
Is this controversial? Much of what I have gleaned from life to date can be distilled into a few short sentences; Good people do bad things, it doesn't make them bad people.

Don't take the bait
I'm avoiding the news. I know it's silly, but I am.

Less but not lesser.
Since January, I've given up more than I have taken on for the first time in my life.

Clouded Over
But beyond the derrogatory label of millennial, there is a soul. And that soul knows not one of these facts are going to fix the world.

When doubt almost kills the dream
"Imposter syndrome took over; drowned out excitement, dulled my joy, muted my buzz. So real was it, I had to be convinced to take the job at all."

Births, Deaths and Marriages.
'Despite the lurching of exchange rates and economic policies, for most of us, our personal trajectory is self-designed, shaped and executed.'

My friends are accountants
'I have long since perfected the response to the commentary on how badly the language has been taught.'
Read, Listen, Look and Learn; glimpses of genius in a mad world.
I've been trying and mostly failing at avoiding the mindlessness of the internet. When I've succeeded, here's what I think is worth reading, listening to and thinking about.
Bac an Scríbhneora: Bagairtí An Spáis Bháin
“writing about a writer's block is better than not writing at all”― Charles Bukowski, The Last Night of the Earth Poems
#ByebyeShy: 5 ways to stave away shyness
Mine is the voice which often doesn't get heard. It doesn't get heard because I don't use it to the best of its ability'