Read, Listen, Look and Learn; glimpses of genius in a mad world.
Is there any excuse for not publishing anything for over a month? No, I didn't think so. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, but my earth seems to have been spinning extra fast over the last few months.As ever, I've been trying and mostly failing at avoiding the mindlessness of the internet. When I've succeeded, here's what I think is worth reading, listening to and thinking about.
- Read- Spill Simmer Falter Wither, a novel by Sara Baume, published by Tramp Press (who I've had the pleasure of interviewing, here) I'm hoping to review the book properly soon but until then, here's your 6 word review; buy it, you won't regret it.
2. Listen- to Gloria Steinem on Man Repeller's Oh Boy podcast. As insightful as she is witty, I was particularly interested in how she views her life and work, in retrospect.
3.Watch: Michelle Obama's response to the recently released tapes which have confirmed Donald Trump as a sexual predator and a threat to women.4. Listen to Blindboy from the Rubberbandits take part in a Q&A after the a showing of The Rocky Road to Dublin by Peter Lennon, in the IFI. Questioning Irish history, cultural identity, postcolonalism and patriarchy, he manages to wrangle theory and humour into the most engaging conversation.5. Look up #gearrthóg on Twitter and Instagram. As part of Imram, the hugely talented and imaginative poet Ciara Ní Éanacháin hosted an evening of cut-up and blackout poetry, the fruits of which are to be found online. Check out @Reic for more upcoming bilingual, spoken-word events around the country.