I mbun pinn

Notes from a birthing ball

Acts of Resistance
Speaking Irish, partaking in creative endeavours in a language and culture which can feel sometimes under siege by its own people, is an act of resistance. Holding on, holding firm and standing together is what we do best.

The Merit of Mediocrity
Siún writes about her new found respect at being distinctly average at many things.

What if... joy is a fuckboy?
Is this controversial? Much of what I have gleaned from life to date can be distilled into a few short sentences; Good people do bad things, it doesn't make them bad people.

Bréan faoin bhfiacail
Creidim má tá rud ag dó na geirbe agat le seachtainí, nó míonna, is fiú é a scríobh síos, díreach ar mhaithe le faoiseamh, catairse, fiú. Chuige sin an píosa seo.

"What is it you do?"
It's no secret. Where I spend much of time is in flux, being challenged and essentially, hanging in the balance. Where I work is in a weird place.

The wildness within.
I could've looked at her for hours, initially the nails caught my attention; red, long, shiny, unashamedly sexy. Then the hair, a bouffant of flame-red, akin to Edna O' Brien's.

Don't take the bait
I'm avoiding the news. I know it's silly, but I am.

Less but not lesser.
Since January, I've given up more than I have taken on for the first time in my life.

Clouded Over
But beyond the derrogatory label of millennial, there is a soul. And that soul knows not one of these facts are going to fix the world.