I mbun pinn
As an Nua X Gillian Prints
Toni Morrison once wrote ‘If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it’, and I think the same sentiment can be used for so many other art forms.
So, you want to learn Irish? 7 Things You Can Do Right Now.
This one is for the many, many people out there who've told me they want to learn Irish but don't know where to start. You've no excuse now, lads..
What I'm reading online, right now.
Intelligent, meaningful content can be hard to come by in the myriad of marketing ploys online. Here are 5 of my favourite places to go when I want to learn something new.
Féach a bhfuil ann..
Maidin fhuar ag tús mhí na Nollag seo caite, ar an traein go Béal Feirste, áit nach mbíonn ceangail idirlín le fáil, cheap mé plean dom féin ag cur peann ar phár.
#Wakingthefeminist agus Them's The Breaks
Nuair a aimsítear glór, is gá é a úsáid, creidim. Sin atá á dhéanamh ag Aoife Kelly agus Sarah Corcoran,