I mbun pinn

As an Nua Interviews: 'Women are Boring' Founders, Catherine Connolly and Grace Mc Dermott.
'It’s a female-led organisation and female-supported and it has been received better than anything we could’ve ever imagined.'

Tearmann na teanga, an Euro Gaelach agus an Pop-up Gaeltacht
'Má theastaíonn uainn a bheith uilíoch, ní féidir linn rialacha a leagan síos'

Minnie Rafferty: Fur Coats and Female Empowerment
'Subconsciously or not, when recently-stationed member of the British army would call in to purchase cigarettes, Minnie practiced power poses; both hands on the counter, flatly refusing their custom.'
As an Nua Interviews: Sarah Davis-Goff & Lisa Coen
We try not to think in terms of markets at all because we are absolutely convinced that all readers want is exceptional literature. The question for us is only ever 'Is this book exceptional?'
As an Nua Interviews: Sorcha Pollak
'We are at this tipping point where we have no history of immigration, we only know emigration. That has changed in the last 15 years. We wanted to show that every person has a story and a reason for coming here and they’re all completely different. '
As an Nua Interviews: Sue Jordan
'Questioning publicly starts conversations and that’s hugely important in every aspect of this world.'
As an Nua Interviews: Hilary O'Hagan
'Bhí mé ag obair 16 uair a chloig sa lá ar feadh 6 nó 7 de bhlianta. Nuair a fhéachaim siar anois, bhí sé an-deacair ach tá mé sásta go ndearna mé é- it makes you.'
As an Nua Interviews: Mary Mc Gill
'Is it good that feminism is having a popular moment? In one way, absolutely. It’s a gateway for those who’ve never thought about these things before to begin to feel comfortable engaging with them. On the other hand, just because feminism is having a moment, doesn’t mean that patriarchy or capitalism is suspended.'
As an Nua Interviews: Loretta Ní Ghabháin
'Chuir mé isteach ar phost le RTÉ agus fostaíodh mé mar stiúrthóir nuachta RTÉ/TG4, nuair a bhí mé 26 bliain d’aois agus ag an am bhí mé ar dhuine de na daoine is óige, a bhain an post sin amach... ach, bhí an bhunchloch ann, ar chúl mo chinn go bhféadfainnse mo rud féin a dhéanamh.'
Siún Ní Dhuinn introduces As an Nua
Founder of As an Nua, Siún Ní Dhuinn wanted to try something new, to create a bilingual space with a feminist slant.